Demo lecture on the theme: “Personnel Management in labor collectives”.

Demo lecture on the theme: “Personnel Management in labor collectives”.

 On December 10, 2019, at the 1-st pair in the group M-60,61 of 2-nd course of the Faculty of «Management», the senior teacher of the department "Management " F.Bazarova held an demo lecture on the subject of "Management" on the theme: “Personnel Management in labor collectives”.At the demo lecture class participated the head of the faculty "Management" of the Tashkent State University of Economics, G.Hadzhimuratova, Deputy Dean of the faculty "Economics" TFI docent H.Tillayev, the head of the faculty “Management” E.Nabiyev, the docentthe faculty of “Management” G.Xamdamova, candidate of Economic Sciences T.Ermatov,the senior teacher N.Rahmatullaeva, the senior teacher S.Mamurov, teacher Sh.Khodjaeva,.


 Senior teacher F.Bazarova gave students clear examples of the importance of the team, command group their role in the enterprise, personnel management, conflict management and ways to overcome them. Students were asked questions and a short discussion was organized.


20:37 / 2019-12-12
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